Jan 17, 2011

Day 3 ☼ Peace,Love & Happiness

Kiss The Earth

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Walk and touch peace every moment.
Walk and touch happiness every moment.
Each step brings a fresh breeze.
Each step makes a flower bloom.
Kiss the Earth with your feet.
Bring the Earth your love and happiness.
The Earth will be safe
when we feel safe in ourselves.

The Tree of Peace,Love, & Happiness
acrylic on canvas
Inspired by 365 ~ Trees Please

Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
~ Dee Hock ~


  1. so excited you are documenting this journey with peace. i've added you to my reader for future inspiration. love the trees. please keep it up!
    peace, grow

  2. Yay! You dusted off your brushes!

    Love the whimsy of this piece and am honored that you found inspiration on my wee blog.

    You go, girl!

  3. Thank you all.

    Happy growing ♥
